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Stories about Susie

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​     I love seeing the photos and reading about Susie! I am a Miller from right below the Macys on Mountain Drive. We were in and out of your house a lot, and vice versa, I guess. I certainly remember Susie well, and Bud, good progressive, the head of Americans for Democratic Action. We left Mountain Dr. in ‘56, I guess after you all moved to Mission Canyon. I love remembering that community! And by now all the houses have burned down! My brother Nicho found this site.

Alison (Miller) Jaegar


    Be at peace. Thou art not gone, being gone; where'er thou art, Thou leavest in him thy watchful eyes, in him thy loving heart.

Ted Pedersen


    Warm loving thoughts. And funny ones, too. She was always there for our family and helped us through difficult times as when my parents divorced. In fact she took me a couple of times to stay at your home on Las Canoas. I always felt totally comfortable and at home there. To sum up my thoughts about dear Susy, I just want to say I loved her like an aunt. She and Bud were always there for me and were funny, warm and ever so kind and generous. Our family had the great privilege to spend a summer (1964) at your cabin on the Vineyard. What a glorious summer that was. Coffee houses, horseshoe crabs, blueberries, beautiful woods, Gay Head beach, and long, leisurely evenings.

Caity Young


    I was connected with the Macys in a couple of important ways and loved both Susy and Bud. One winter I had the great fortune of participating in an on-going art therapy group at the Macy home on Winyah Lane. There were five or six of us in attendance, usually, including Susy and colleagues, and we'd spend the first hour painting, expressively, with poster paints on large pieces of paper, and the second hour was spent reflecting and giving feedback. I think I was the only non-therapist in attendance, which always amused me. I count those art therapy sessions at the Macy home as treasures in my life. 

    The other connection was my musical alliance with Bud. I was studying violin - as an adult, and quite seriously - and Bud, an accomplished pianist, and I would get together every week - for several years - and we would play violin and piano duets. Sometimes Bud would even feed me his sliced home-grown tomatoes on his home made French bread - slathered with mayonnaise, of course. Our music sessions meant everything to me. I never knew my father (a violinist), and on some level, Bud was a stand in and supported my music the way my father would have. I love the Macy family. God bless you all. 

Sara Piazza


    Sue- I'll never forget your bright smile and the gentle timbre of your voice as long as I shall live. I have very fond memories of spending time with you at the Oak Bluffs School. I never felt like I was in the company of a teacher-type person, rather a friend. Isn't it no doubt an amazing thing that the impression that people make on us stay with us for the balance of our life? Well, at least the impression that you had made upon me has remained with me all the days and all of the miles traveled of my life. 

    I think that you would be happy to know that some of the things that we used to talk about when I was but a whipper snapper have indeed come to pass. Yes ma'am, a world traveler I came to be and as I write this note from sunny San Diego, California, I'm wondering where you're off traveling to at this very moment. Well, in any case, say Hi to Bud for me. God speed and fly amongst God's angels. I will see you up there one day and I will have so much to tell you. 

Much love, James (Jamie) DePriest


    I didn't know Susy or Bud well, but always took comfort in knowing they were next door and had an eye on our camp at the Vineyard. Finally, a couple of years ago my mother, Lorraine Tigh Dennerlein, and I went over to see Susy one afternoon. We had a lovely visit and I found out what all the fuss was about. Susy was such an interesting, smart and clever lady - something I expected. But, what was amazing was her memory - how she knew so many details and talked about each of her many family members and was so proud of all of you. It was lovely, restful afternoon's visit and I'm grateful to have had that time with her. 

    On a lighter note, I believe it was Susy & Bud who hosted my parents for cocktails when I was a young person - maybe middle school age. My parents didn't drink at home in those days so I think perhaps my mother wasn't so clear on how to manage such things. When she came home to cook us all dinner I was surprised to have to point out to her that the hamburgers wouldn't cook in the breadbox! I think it must have been a good party! Thank you for sharing this lovely biography of a great lady who will be missed! And, thank you to all of you for remembering my mother who we lost soon after Susy's passing.

Janet L. Hobbs


    In second grade when Susie diagnosed our son Adam with learning challenges, Susie suggested decreasing his after-school activities a bit to let him re-charge his spirit. Months later, Adam stopped Susie in the Oak Bluffs School hallway and announced: "Mrs. Macy, Thanks so much. My Mom de-scheduled me." Later, Susie telephoned me to share Adam's relief and new-found happiness with school. 

    Susie always made each child feel loved and so very special. Susie was a champion for all of our children. I was honored to work with Susie as a colleague and mother. We will always cherish "Susie Memories." 

Jean Curtis Loud


    It's difficult to separate my memories of Grandma Susie and Grandpa Bud... They were a unit most of my life, so the memories I have of them overlap. Blueberry jam ("Susie's Blue") with "Bud bread," for example. Beary - the big bear she let us play with during visits to the Vineyard when we were little. And how great she was with children! So patient and kind. She was good at bringing out toys personalized to us--and she was always so gentle and calm in the way she explained how things worked. 

    She loved little things - miniature figurines of animals. And flowers! She loved flowers and anything beautiful. 

    Something that has stuck out to me in recent years--now that I'm a full fledged adult--is just how incredible it was that Susie went back to school after raising five children. And that she had a career from age 50, on! Such an inspiration to me, as I pursue a new career at age 40. I think my love of personality assessments is rooted in her gift for administering them. 

    My grandma was special--a dignified, thoughtful and intelligent lady whose memory will live on in our hearts. She lived a full and beautiful life, and the legacy she has left through her children is too great to quantify. It's a legacy that will live on far beyond our lives.

Sarah Susan Macy


    The last time I saw Susy was on the Vineyard in July, 2014. Rick, Nina, and I were staying at the Macy Camp (which Susy's husband Bud built). We had a family birthday party for Rick, who turned 65 that year. In attendance were Susy, Jilldy, Tim and Bobbie, Sary and Ted, Rick, Nina, and myself. John and Joy could not make it due to the arrival of a new grandchild (another of Susy's great grandchildren!); and Mike and Ann did not come East from Santa Barbara that summer. We had pizza from Rocco's in Vineyard Haven, and dessert was an awesome birthday cake that Bobbie made herself and hand-carried over on the ferry. 

    Susy was sitting on the bench seat, supported by some of the umpteen pillows for which she had made colorful pillow cases throughout the years. Next to her on the bench seat was my daughter Nina, 17 years old at the time. Nina had resorted to playing solitaire, while letting the grownups talk. At one point Susy looked at Nina's card game and asked, "Would you like me to move over so you can have more room for your game?" I, ever the Mom, looked at the card game and said softly, "So rude..." Sary and Jill immediately came to Nina's defense, making the very good point that there was nobody else at the party Nina's age. 

    When pizza and dessert were finished, Tim took Susy back to the year-round home on Lake Tashmoo while everyone else played a rousing game of Bananagrams. This is such a happy memory, one of so many. Susy's nephew and niece and grandnephew and grandniece (on Bud's side of the family, namely: Rick, myself, my son Paul and daughter Nina) will feel both Bud and Susy's love forever. Nina and I were privileged to attend the Celebration of Life gathering for Ann G. (Angie) Bjorklund, Susy's sister who predeceased her. Nina got up and sang her own song about Angie, making it up as she went. Another awesome memory!

Sue Lael (Maurer) Katnic


    I am so grateful for the one time that I especially remember being with the Macy family, it was a family Thanksgiving... and a celebration like no other ever attended! We awoke to favorite smells of Bud’s homemade bread for breakfast, and beside our plates, I remember there were individual petite vases with miniature violets in them. No doubt, a “special touch” by Susy!

    She is dearly remembered by me just as all those other written stories in “Blueberries For Susy” describe her, and I wish I might have known her... and Bud for longer, but with the fine legacy left, of their children and families, I will remember her/them often. She was a beautiful lady from early age on. 

Love to all, Evelyn Polk


     With Aunt Susie's passing I feel like the magic of Aunt Susy, Dad, Angy and Francy is gone. What a gentle spirit - and to be the oldest sister of Joe Angy and Francy - PHEW! So, while we will miss all of them, they in fact did leave that special magic with all of us because I see it in the faces and hearts of everyone who knew them. Especially their children, grandchildren and great children. God bless them -- and I know they are kicking it up together somewhere with Aunt Susy, Aunt Alex, Aunt Annette, Uncle Joe, Aunt Chrissy, Granny Tonetti, James -- Lord knows what that herd is doing with Bobby Hyde -- but I will never forget him either!! What a crew!

Annie Hyde


     My deepest condolences go out to you for the recent loss of your mother. Even though I hadn’t seen Susie for a zillion years I easily remember the ‘smile’ she graced everyone in her presence with when I last saw her. And that is how I will remember her. I wish you all strength during this time of sadness. And wishes of good health for all of you in the years ahead.

hugs and love, Aaron Young


     When I was around 9, and Oliver was around 12, and Gavin was around 7, Susie would come from the East and spend the summer with us. This was when we lived on Arbolado Road in the house Bobby built overlooking Santa Barbara. She was a beautiful, blonde teenager of about 14. It was the Depression, Bobby was struggling as a writer but we were making our own wine, gathering leafmold from under the hillside sage, and harvesting the olives that lined Olive Street. I think she came for about 3 summers.

     Later, after she married Bud, they lived in Santa Barbara for some years.

     After they moved to Martha’s Vineyard  my wife and I stayed  with them a couple of nights. Here’s one of our favorite stories: Joe, the chef, needed to gather fish for a gourmet dinner he was preparing that evening in New York. Susie said she remembered him saying he was going down to the beach. Hoping to see him before we left, we arose early. There he was in the surf, still in this black formal clothes, fishing -- looking as if he’d been up all night!

     We always liked Susie and Bud and admired their dedication to each other. We also admired Susie’s dedication to her work in psychological counseling. Bless her in her ascension and bless you all.       

Love and Light, Joel And Serafina Andrews


    I never got to know your mother well. She was the eldest of our generation of cousins while I am the youngest. In my perverse thinking, Yet Another Opportunity Missed to know a kinda sorta cousin. 

    I remember them from their Santa Barbara days. Bud and Susie had a light treading way about them, as if they carried a quiet knowing secret. Watchful yet peaceful. They seemed kind, and of course that kindness ripples so clearly through their children. Your tribe seems closer than most. Lucky you!    

    Anyway, Tony (Ratcliff)'s gone. And the three Hyde sibs. Gavin (Hyde) laughs death in the face, but boulders and headlong autos can't crush him. And Joel (Andrews) joyfully inhabits his Land of Angels.

    I'd love a visit to the Vineyard to experience that piece of refuge that Our Family has savored this last century plus. I hope you're there if/when we finally make it . 

    So...Good Bye Dear Susie B. 

Much love, Bendy White


    I have happy memories of your parents visiting us here and of my trip with Dad to stay with Bud and Susy in 2002. It was lovely to meet you then and spend time with you all in Martha's Vineyard. Your mama was so kind to me. 

My love to you all, Lorna Hadfield


    Susy was so so very special. She certainly did lead a very very long and wonderful life. Please pass along a big hello and love to all from the Bjorklund gang here in Santa Barbara. We love you all so very much and can never thank you enough for the hospitality that you showed to my mother and all of us when we traveled east.

Rob Bjorklund


    Susy left a legacy to all in her family. Certainly a bright spot in our lives. Her family, friends, students, and acquaintances have been blessed by her company. 

    Our branch of the family will gather at Tashmoo for my daughter Anne's 60th birthday on Sept. 25th. We will remember her in silence.

Abigail Wrenn


    Susy was a truly beautiful person and will be remembered by all of us who knew her as someone who was an inspiration to us all. She and Bud were so nice to Henri and me when we first arrived in Santa Barbara and made us feel so welcome. I loved the many times we spent with them. 

Love, Mary Dorra


    I had just been thinking of Susy. Such a special person: kind, helpful, intuitive. I so appreciated her guidance and input. I feel so blessed to have known her!

Abby Bailey


    Susie was such a “leveler” for everyone: so interested in your welfare, so placid, so positive while at the same time such an introspective soul. She always made us feel good, without fail. I think my favorite image of her is deep in the woods, well off the road, blueberrying with a little pot—and you knew she was in a serene, self-healing mode, gloriously alone! 

    One of our favorite Susie remarks was, “Color helps!” We are so pleased that she was on the Vineyard, in her own place by the lake, at the end. 

    She was adored by all.

Love from Dan and Kyra West


    Sue Macy was one of the nicest people I ever worked with, long ago in the Superintendent's office in Vineyard Haven. A truly lovely person, whose influence was felt more widely than I think she ever knew. My condolences to her family.

Sara Crafts


    Our last link to an older world, Suzy was the kindest, sweetest, gentlest soul of her generation. A quiet listener with a big smile and a bigger heart, the matriarch of a large and loving family, she made everyone feel instantly at ease, as if you had just come home. A gift to us all, Suzy will be remembered for many things, but especially for her warmth and kindness, the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see. She was a love!!

Ridge White


    In 1993 I was hired by the Martha's Vineyard School System to "replace" a retiring school psychologist, Susie Macy. It soon was evident that Susie was irreplaceable. She was loved by the children and families that she worked with and so gracious in offering any and all assistance to me. We shared delightful lunches and quiet conversations. Her kindness and ultimately her friendship is something that I will always hold dear. Prayers to her family.

Martha Mulcahy


    I am glad she went gently - that was in keeping with how she lived her life, and how she dealt with those around her. When Ted and I had breakfast a few Sundays ago, he said that Susie had been asking after Bud - could it be he was calling her to join him? I believe so because I like to believe so. They were quite a pair, those two. She's picking blueberries for his cereal right now. 

Kristy Kingsbury Henshaw


    Susie was my mentor as a school psychologist- she was the sweetest, kindest, insightful woman who gave so much to children and colleagues over so many years. We mourn her passing and hope there will be a service to mark her passing.

Lorraine Wells


    Mrs Macy was such a kind loving lady she worked at the Edgartown School in the early eighties while I was a student. Mrs Macy has joined her husband and will be missed by so many people who were fortunate enough to have known Mrs Macy. The island has lost another beautiful gem. God bless.

Kristie Noyes Mayhew


    Necta and I have just learned (through an email from Mike) that our mother Susie has passed away. This was sad news indeed. Nearly all of you, we learned, were at her side in her final moments. That was a source of solace to us. Susie was a beautiful woman, in every respect. How lucky we all were to have her and to call her our Mom.

    I was still a callow youth from some wild bush in Africa when I first saw her in the summer of 1962. Yet, even then, I could see genuine warmth in her smile at me when I crashed into her home. (Bud, Sarah, Mike, and John had driven from Santa Barbara all the way to Los Angeles to get me). In the weeks that followed, I saw in her dedication to her family – to Bud, her husband, to you her children, and now to me too – clear images of the ideal wife and of the ideal mother.

    Necta and I will not be at her funeral in person, but we will be there in spirit. As you grieve over her, remember us, as we will you.

Paul and Necta Vitta


    Susy and Bud were part of my Vineyard magic, the best times of my childhood summers were visiting the Macys. She was so gracious and kind. My condolences from the Shaffners to all the Macy children, for Susy and belatedly for Bud, too. Thank You!

Susan Shaffner Baylies


    My tears join yours in sorrow for Susie’s passing. Even though we knew she was going, it’s almost impossible to think she’s gone. It’s great that she could die at home with those who loved her.

    Here is a bit of a gift in the form of a plant, picture was scanned into the computer, so it’s close to alive: It’s called a prayer plant because it lowers its leaves at night and raises them in the daytime. I keep it on top of my chest of drawers in the bedroom.

    Susie meant a lot to me — all those years in Santa Barbara. My love to you and the other kids in this sad and difficult time. Halliday sends his love, too. He grew up with Susie there over his wing. I loved hearing about her visits with the goats. We might have some goats where we are to go with the chickens and wild animals — deer, turkeys, quail, rabbits, frogs & turtles (these latter only in the pond). I’m spending my final years in an environment similar to the one she enjoyed part of the time.

    Susie was one of the most beautiful people I ever knew.

much love, Mary Dresser


    Oh dang it all. Your dear dear Mama. I loved Suzy, admired her stalwart patience and forbearance of (some often wacky) Whites and Eldridges on the Vineyard over the years, and what she taught me - like not cursing in her presence (because I was raised by cursing parents!), appreciating little gifts of nature, kindness to one another, so much more. Great lady, wonderful mama with deep reserves of goodness in her.  Sigh.

    Love to you all. I'm glad there are so many of you (Macys) to continue her legacy for generations to come. That can be her greatest gift.- Ned White


    We (Dad, Mom, Cheryl & I) were so blessed to have had the "Vineyard years" to get to know your family and get to know their special talents and enjoy their/your loving friendship!!

    Your mama always took such good care of guests, even if she wasn't comfortable playing the silly games we all looked forward to sharing after dinner!

    I loved her style, her hats, her shy smile, her home accessories and her blueberry jam!!

    I have several notes she wrote to welcome us to "The Lodge".

    You & your siblings were so blessed to be raised by such amazing, smart, caring~loving parents!!   

Love always ~ Suzi (& Dan) Wyckoff

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